Douglas Peterson  |   Cookie

    How can my product help you?

    How 'bout this for a simple and delectable solution: Break-through yummy "body treat" that can help professionals and week end warriors build a stronger , and beach ready, body for smart work and play ...and FINALLY win their battle of the bulge with life-enhancing cookies. It is the perfect start that keeps you going. A heart-friendly, paragon cookie that fills you up, not out. Great for young children and old. You can't beat this. It is THAT good. So good that I won't buy another brand again. Play and work smart today. If you're smart, like me, you won't let a dearth of energy be the reason you lose or fail.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    First and foremost, I am a voracious reader. So I can learn I need to do to make my forune (partly online) so I can retire within 3 years. I want to share with anyone who has an open mind for simple solutions to flourish in this new economy. To stay the course no matter the endeavor you need energy, both mmental and physical (notice I put "mental" first) to succeed. This is prerequisite, especially if you have two jobs: going to work (even if you are fortunate enough to earn a nice living from home) to support a family, I have thr sinple solution that can easily keep you going; and not worry about petering out. You wind down when you want to. Instead of crashing at hte worst possible time.

    What I do online

    Thank you for reading my profile. Please read all the way down; it will be worth your time. I am online to more quickly help the rotund (obese) win their battle of the bulge; as well as those who us don't have such a health issue to contend with, to have more, and better, energy--without the risk of crashing. Once you see how easy it to get supercharged you won't give getting "supersized" (whether it at the golden arches or any other fast food joint) a secong thought. And lastly, to reach out and hook up with other smart entrepreneurs who'd like to grow and evolve with me. The more time passes by the more hungry I get.. I want to be a catalyst for others transform and evolve.

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