Karen Connors  |   Electronic Cigarettes

    How can my product help you?

    GreenSmoke is a Smokers No Tar Alternative Electronic Cigarette. No Carginogens or Second Hand Smoke. A much better choice for Smokers. No More Ash Trays, smell on your clothes.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online because it is convenient to work from home because of my daughter who is handicapped. It enables me to give her the care she needs and provide income for my family.

    What I do online

    Promote Products I believe in and can provide a service or benefit to the consumer. GreenSmoke is a Smokers No Tar Alternative Electronic Cigarette. No Carginogens or Second Hand Smoke. A much better choice for Smokers. Free Affiliate Program or Distibutorship Available!

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