Viggo Joergensen  |   Home Business

    How can my product help you?

    When struggling with Personal or Financial Problems that enslave your Life, it’s not good to be Alone. And you don't have to any longer! Some of our Counseling Services may be the Help you need - to get out into Freedom and The New Life you are dreaming about! Give It A Try! Or Ask The Pastor, You Can Trust: Viggo Joergensen / Pastoral Business Counselor.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    Why Not? Nowadays you only have Two Options: Get On to the Net or Get Out of Business. So I'm working Online for the same reason that I'm working Offline: Doing Business. Hanmark is a home based Pastoral Consultancy, especially for Business People. Professional Counseling and Service, whatever the current Problem - in Business or Private Life. In Christian Counseling It's All About your Freedom!

    What I do online

    Promoting my own Business - Hanmark and other Companies I'm affiliated with. Offering Personal Counseling Service (Coaching) - especially for Business People. Marketing all the Help & Tools you need - for Freedom in Business and Private Life!

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