David Holbrook  |   Business Opportunities

    How can my product help you?

    Empower Network is an online community of people - just like you - who have decided to TEAM UP and actually help each other make money (versus competing against each other)... and the result is what we call the EMPOWER Network. Oh, and by the way... we pay 100% Commissions to Affiliates... which means YOU can make more money faster and easier than ever before. EVEN IF you are a complete 100% beginner... Earning money with Empower is a simple 3 step viral blogging system! Step 1 Blog daily.... Step 2 Tell others... Step 3 Make Money!!!

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I love online network marketing and all the challenges that come with it. At first i was happy if I just made a couple hundred a month, extra money for me and the wife to enjoy,such as eating out, weekend camping trips, and money to spoil the grand kids with. But unfortunately my wife had a serious accident, broke both femors and got a effectious disease that took 6 years to get under control. This made a mountain of hospital bills, plus I had to buy a handicap van and pay someone to take care of her while I was at work. Now I work network marketing to pay off credit cards and hospital bills. Good news there is most likely only one more operation(knee replacements) which won't be near as bad as the previos operations. My plan is to have all the credit cards and hospital bills paid off by the end of this year(2012. Then retire and travel visiting kids and grand kids. Lord Willing!

    What I do online

    The cool thing about Empower Network is it's simplicity. Empower is a 3 step viral blogging system designed so simple a complete newbie can be set up and running in a matter of minutes and earn 100% commissions immediately. All I do is blog daily, tell others, make money. The best way I found to tell others is solo ads, but you must know which ones you can trust. That's why i am a lifetime member with DOE.

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