Richard Meserve  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    The key to lasting success is simple. It is critical you have the right MINDSET and then a PLAN OF ACTION to create MULTIPLE SOURCES OF INCOME! Really, all of them are critical and necessary if you are going to make your living online. If you don't have these 3 things or aren't willing to get them, please do yourself a favor and get out of the online industry. Unless you are incredibly lucky, you will be part of that 98% who lose lots of money online. My products will provide the following to you: Access to daily sessions that can have life-changing results in every aspect of your life…in only 6 MINUTES A DAY! Access to software for creating your own “Mind Movie” and the ability to run it subliminally in the background on your computer. VERY powerful and compliments the 6 Minutes program. Once you have the mindset and your own Mind can easily achieve wealth and success. Visit my first website to see if you qualify to join something that's never been done online before.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    The reason is obvious...the world economy is bad, but more importantly...the US economy is very bad. It's so sad and I won't say any more on that subject because everyone has his or her opinion as to why the USA is in such trouble. At the end of the day, the results are still the same...businesses are closing or filing for bankruptcy in record numbers. Jobs are disappearing by the hundreds of thousands monthly. Job security, as we knew it 20-30 years ago, is no longer existent. That is why people are turning to the Internet in record numbers, not only in the USA but worldwide. I did and it has been a Godsend for me! My goal is to offer people who want to make their living online, access to proven systems and training so they don't have to go through the "growing pains and loss of money" that comes with trying to establish an online business. It is a sad fact that 98 out of 100 people who start an online business NEVER MAKE A CENT and only 1 out of the 2 that do, ever make a profit.

    What I do online

    Thank God we have the Internet, which allows me to work from my home and make a very good income. I offer what 99.9% of the people who are working online, or are investigating the possibility of working online, need. They need one place where they can go to learn about personal development, the correct way to market effectively, and what is best to promote. A place where people can see the results of what does and doesn't work offered by someone who has been through the "learning curve" of Internet Marketing. Yup... the place is this site and the someone would be me :o) You will discover just how crucially important a "millionaire mindset" is and how a "mind movie" can transform your life from what it is now into what you REALLY want it to be. Aren't those Grandkids adorable? Twin girls and a lucky am I?

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