Reecy Aresty  |   

    How can my product help you?

    "How To Pay For College Without Going Broke" is a virtual parent/student manual filled with time tested admissions techniques that will assist even the average student to get that all-important edge at application time. It's also the only book of its kind available in Spanish. The financial aid section with its 38 income planning methods coupled with numerous asset repositoining strategies are guaranteed to qualify any family for maximum financial aid. The successful use of any one will surely be worth several times the cost of the book. In addition to my book, I also offer college admissions and/or financial aid consulting services to families with a college or college bound student. When it comes to appealing unappealing financial aid offers, my successes are legendary!

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    My goal is to guarantee students a decisive edge at application time, and for parents to qualify for financial aid dollars they never dreamed possible. I have satisfied customers and happy clients on 3 continents. This would be impossible if I didn't offer my book and my services on the Internet. We communicate by phone, email and fax, and I also present FREE college admissions/financial aid seminars from coast to coast, and very often get to meet clients in far away places.

    What I do online

    I publish both the High School Blog and The College Blog. They both contain up to date information on what's happening at high schools around the country and on many college campuses, the changes in various colleges' admissions and financial aid policies, and the most current information from the federal gov't and how it impacts higher education. My book, "How To Pay For College Without Going Broke," is also available at Every purchaser is entitled to a FREE 15 minute phone consultation. As I have been involved in admissions/financial aid trench warfare for 29 years, I have a wealth of experience that can benefit virtually any family with a college or college-bound student.

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