Geoff Norman  |   Affiliate Programs

    How can my product help you?

    The one product that can help just about everyone is the FREE LIST BUILDING WEBSITE PLATFORM. The website is free and the tactics are brilliant. Anyone who wants to build or expand their list should get themselves a free website and start building. I have a webmaster resource website under construction and will update when aappropriate.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I retired early and enjoy the 'atmosphere' online and I can mke a very acceptable income as well.

    What I do online

    I am one of those people who has bought everything and not settled on a system at all. I have a number of websites that are doing OK but as akways they run out of steam and I amlloking to spend a lot more time marketing without a website and the Directory Of Ezines is the best place to establish a "home" for this activity. I have had DOE membership now for some 15 months and have only just realised what a brilliant resource it is!!

    Web Sites: