Rodney Mattey | |
How can my product help you? The programmes I am promoting have ALL tried to educate, inform and generally help their customers as well as themselves, which is WHY I am promoting them, but the second, unexpected, reason became apparent to me; it is THIS. My technical knowledge of the internet & computers is somewhat limited compared to many people, but what I CAN genuinely claim is having sales experience OUTSIDE the online world, and know how effective' interpersonal 'methods are, as well as how ultimately' ineffective' just throwing numbers at and hyper-ruthless methods are; in the 7 great lies by Ann Sieg ( 1st url below ), conventional wisdom within the mlm world is turned on its head with this free opted in course that highlights what REALLY works and what doesnt! The second site is CBMall, with a free '15 ways 'course; right from the start as a newbie you are personally guided when you have the full gold membership, but you ALSO get very good advice with the FREE '15 ways! Why I work online and what I want to accomplish My first reason for working online was to create the freedom and independence that I believe can go with this, but as time has progressed a second, unexpected, reason has emerged as I have looked at and studied online courses and affiliate programmes! I intend to promote various Affiliate programmes by writing articles and advertising. What I do online I promote Affiliate programmes that I feel to be worthwhile at present, although I will also be displaying my own website in the near future. NB - My website IS now listed below-blimpshop.info. Web Sites: |