Lisha Thompson  |   

    How can my product help you?

    My product has touched several markets and can help anyone else who shares my dream of being HEALTHY, WEALTHY and WISE!

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    The purpose of working online is to reach as many people as possible. Can you think of a better way to reach all the corners of the earth? I can't either. Not only do I want to educate people about the benefits of drinking healthy coffee, tea and hot chocolate infused with Ganoderma Lucidum; I would also like to help them earn money in this crazy economy. Ganoderma Lucidum has 4,000 years of history behind it. Through the use of the internet anyone can research this at the same time for him or herself. I like to think that I am a smart lady. However, I have been known to be wrong. So, the ingredients and the fascinating way the products are made can be put to the test by use of the internet. I have also earned money since being introduced to the products. I have been able to capitalize on 5 industries: Health and Wellness, Home-based Business, Weight Loss, the Internet, and of course, Coffee.

    What I do online

    I am working diligently to get the word out about an amazing transformation of coffee (black/latte/mocha), green tea and hot chocolate. It is 100% organic and taste amazing. I have felt the effects and will NEVER return to the run-of-the-mill coffee or tea. This mission is so dear to me that I will personally send a free sample to anyone who would like to try it. Can you think of anyone that drinks coffee, tea or hot chocolate at least occasionally? Do you or they drink coffee black or with cream or sugar? What is your favorite brand? These items are so amazing I can ask one final question: When was the last time your brand sent you a check to drink or refer their coffee?

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