Thelma Parker  |   Business Opportunities

    How can my product help you?

    The Zeekler Program is an exciting and excellent way to see a growing income with a well-run successful company. You can promote the Penny Auction with the ads provided to gain the daily rewards, and you may also promote your Business Site, an excellent Shopping Comparison App, a Retail Site - all to build your business and income. Lastly : If you are seeking for real meaning to life, you could do no better than to visit my mission site where you may also find how to contact me. My heart is like the heart of Jeremiah - on fire with the Word of God. It's a great Life!

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    Early in 2010, I searched the web for philanthropists to whom I could call upon to help very needy people I know in India and Zambia. Nothing came of that, as I am not a registered charity. I have a simple bloggerblog - promoting free or low-start cost online home business opportunities. The ZeekRewards Program is the main promotion. My goal is still the same - to help those friends in need which range from convicted prisoners to dedicated pastors!

    What I do online

    I am promoting a new online business opportunity involving a Penny Auction Site run by Zeekler. By placing one free ad provided by the company drawing visitors to the Live Penny Auction, members earn rewards, which build up to a real regular income. It is not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme - or scam! - but a well-run unique program for real rewards. My aim is to generate funding for small projects in Zambia and South India, to enable my contacts there to gain independence and improve their living standard. My mission website bears the name of my teaching mission, Basar Blessings, from where I encourage people to understand the Book of Revelation, list the books I have written personally or edited for the benefit of the Church, and show where I have gone on mission.

    Web Sites: