Larry Clark  |   Travel / Vacation

    How can my product help you?

    Developing a successful business (whether online or offline) is a combination of having a good "why to", a well rounded "dream team" and finding the right products to deliver to your market. The "Why To" is the reason you are in business. It can range from wanting the time and financial freedom to enjoy your family . . . all the way to having had a boss who dictated what you were going to do and when you had to be at work . . . causing you to miss an event that was extremely important in your life or that of someone you love. The "Dream Team" is the group of mentors and other supporters you work with to help you accomplish those goals. They may include someone who has been successful in the field you are working in and people who can help you learn the business without having to learn by trail and error. The right product is essential to fit your personality and market to the niche you feel most comfortable in. Of course, you need to be passionate about what you do.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online because the Internet is the great equalizer. I can work with people throughout the world with little concern to time zone constraints. I have the opportunity to develop my own schedule and work the times that allow me to interact with people of different cultures and locations. One of my personal goals is to help 50 people reach THEIR goals in 2008. That's why I work with the "Mentoring For Free" principles. That's how I can give back to the universe to say thank you for the success that has been afforded me.

    What I do online

    I write, coach and help develop businesses that help people find their purpose in life. Failure in a business is NOT YOUR FAULT. It, many times, is simply a necessary part of business life. You find that you learn from your experiences so the only failure is if you give up on your dream without having given it your all. I help you realize you don't have to do it all on your own . . . there are people to help you be accountable to your own dreams. Photo to left . . . My passion - Travel . . . My Dream - Venice.

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