Jessie Coates  |   

    How can my product help you?

    Spiritual exercise is as essential as physical exercise. My blog wets the appetite for other, longer, forms of spiritual development. You have perhaps bought into the notion that the church exists to tell you what not to do, when you read my blog you will read more about what God has done and a lot less about what people should do. There is an urgent need to counteract the forces of violence and hatred which religious people so often unleash on each other, fear produces hate and I hope that as you read you will be able to substitue trust in God instead of fear, condemnation and hatred of people who believe in the same God but believe differently. God has called all who believe in him to join with him in his work of blessing humanity. Please join with me and let us learn together about how we can each become more effective in the work of blessing humanity and demonstrating the kindness and patience that God has shown us.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    The faithful pray seven times a day. Short, thought provoking, web pages about faith encourage them to pray. In fact, if sufficient aids to spirituality are available the faithful are enabled to pray continually and to make each action a service to humanity in the name of God. The web cannot be a substitute for the community of faith. Reading the web is a cerebral activity but is not meant to be a refuge from daily involvement in the affairs of the world. That said, reading spiritual topics on the web can focus the mind and clarify our thinking so that the words of our mouth and the thoughts in our heart become acceptable to God and to humans.

    What I do online

    I write about faith, faith in God. I write mostly for the not-yet-religious, or the people who have been turned off by poor presentations of faith. Also people who have been believers for a long time enjoy my short frequent pages about faith, this is because I try to avoid cliches, and attempt to provoke reflection rather than dictate doctrines.

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