George Collins  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    Jason is the consummate mentor, he is very ethical and honest, very knowledgeable. Jason started in 2003 marketing online. The beginning of this year he was making $85,000 a month and less than a year later he is making over $240,000 a month. You can have access to him twice a week every week for personal guidance. He will look at your information and he can tell you immediately what corrections you need to make to take your business to the next level. So you will have his attention live as a mentor, which no other company out there has. Third: Target marketing. People will market to the wrong people, that falls into the generic category. Perfect Wealth Formula teaches you about the correct target market, the pattern of marketing, having each piece of the marketing puzzle flow together. So if your pay per click ad is targeting mlmers, the capture page should be targeting mlmers, the follow up letters should be targeting mlmers. Contact me for the rest of the story.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online in order to help as many people as I can to be successful with their particular business. Our product is an educational product that teaches you how to drive traffic to any website, whether it is network marketing, a gift basket business, whatever it is, if you have a website and you want to make money you have to get people there, you have to drive traffic to your website. So, it’s video tutorials, ebooks, a power house marketing system and we walk you through step by step on how to market. First: The video tutorials walk you through step by step how to market. Our videos are very short and to the point, three to five minutes apiece. Second: Jason Pearson himself will tell you that if you want something in life, whether it is financial success, relationships, whatever it is, find somebody that has that and copy what they do and that is the fastest way to get there. Jason goes one step further, find what is working and make it better.

    What I do online

    I teach other people who are interested in building their business online by using step by step video tutorials revealing our unique formula.

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