Brent Aleshire  |   Health / Healthcare / Fitness

    How can my product help you?

    "The Key to a Safe and Successful Hospital Discharge" is a new DVD product that is designed to provide the essential information that you need for a smooth transition home from the hospital. The frightening, undeniable truth is this: Hospitals want you out ASAP. You need to know that hospital staff members are under intense pressure to release you as soon as they can. That’s because insurance companies typically pay hospitals set fees, based on your diagnosis rather than your length of stay. Those in the health care industry have coined the term “quicker and sicker” to describe how patients are now discharged from hospitals. With that in mind, I have prepared a step by step instructional video that will teach you how to defend yourself. You will be provided with all the information necessary to ensure a safe and secure transition home. Remember, only informed patients stand a fighting chance. Arm yourself with the information you need for a safe & secure hospital discharge.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online to provide consumers with a wealth of information they need as they face an increasingly complicated and confusing health care world. My book, journal, seminars and newsletters focus on vital health care issues and give consumers the power and tools to ensure effective health care treatment. My goal is to provide essential information to consumers so they can confidently approach the health care experience and get the treatment and services they need and deserve.

    What I do online

    My company, The Health Care System, was created to help individuals become fully engaged health care consumers. Our products, health care success videos, and seminars provide the motivation and resources you need to effectively manage your health care and make informed health care decisions. See how The Health Care System will transform you into an engaged, educated and accountable health care consumer. Our "insider" information will teach you how to “take charge” of your health care and ensure proper, cost-effective treatment.

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