Andrew Larder  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    Hmmm, if you can't tell yet - you must need a $10,000 mentorship program, and possibly a whole boatload of software, maybe some ebooks, and join some membership sites - then it'll all make sense! LOL Find YOUR way, what works for you, and feels like FUN - I'll show you some ways I've found - free newsletter at (NOTE - I don't have a $10,000 mentorship program running, YET!!! - LOL - Can't imagine ever wanting to burn people THAT badly)

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    One of my joys is passing along things that work - right now. Get started making Squidoo Lenses, Try creating an array of blogs, become an affiliate of many good products, Put your promotional material out there, Get on the first release and beat the me too people, Use Web 2.0 properties to be on page one on Launch Day, etc.

    What I do online

    Fool around! LOL I play on the edges of internet marketing, trying out various cutting edge techniques, from Squidoo to Twitter, from MySpace to Facebook, from SEO to Web 2.0 - always reading, always testing, always trying out new stuff to see what works, what doesn't and what works WELL...for now!

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