Ron Wertz  |   Affiliate Programs

    How can my product help you?

    If your searching has led you here then it would be safe to assume that you are looking for a way to improve your life situation. Looking for a way to improve your income. A way to work from home and be your own boss. Set your own hours so that you are free to spend more time on what is important to you like family or fitness, volunteering or traveling maybe. Sounds a bit cliche but that is exactly what I was looking for. I needed a way to start another business but I had no capital to work with. I needed something affordable as well. I had to find something low cost to get started on, that offered training, and had a fast return on investment because I was broke and running out of options fast. I needed a miracle. I found that miracle or should I say it found me. My brother called and told me to watch this video. This new company pays 100% commissions on all their products. They have paid out over $4million dollars in 4 months to affiliates and has top notch training. Go See It.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I chose to work online after becoming disabled, and losing my state job, losing my privately owned and operated business, having to declare bankruptcy and losing my 2 homes, then being separated from my wife, my kids, all within a 2 year period. Also during that time I came down with appendicitis and developed blood clots in both lungs. After a 4 1/2 hour procedure to remove the clots and 4 days of touch and go in ICU I got released from the hospital after 12 days later. My surgeon revealed to me that the clotting was so severe that he had no explanation as to why I didn't go into cardiac arrest and die. My reply was "It's not my time yet. There's more for me to do." Why am I telling you all of this? In the hopes of inspiring you. No matter where you are in life, no matter what has happened to you, there is no place to go but UP! You are the creator of your future. You have the power in you to overcome anything. You need only become aware it and believe in You.

    What I do online

    I am an affiliate marketer and marketing coach. I work with people to help them develop the skills necessary to be a team builder and leader and teach them the strategies needed to and a successful internet marketer. Strategies that include and are not limited to, SEO, Blogging, Article Marketing, and Traffic Generation.

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