Kenny Love  |   

    How can my product help you?

    My promotional and publicity services dramatically assist individuals in bringing attention to their own products and services. I work with all forms of media, including but not limited to; print newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, cable networks, and Internet media sources. If you want to eliminate the headaches, heartaches, and tediousness of "going and doing it alone," my 18 years of proven experience, knowledge, and results can be invaluable to your efforts as well as serve to greatly increase your chances of success through my third-part representation. I can provide you with client testimonials referencing my work and results via email or fax. So, feel free to contact me directly at (936)545-0381 at any time.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    Because it offers time and financial freedom I require for continued success.

    What I do online

    I serve the business world as an international promoter and publicist for products and services. I have, particularly, worked extensively in the Music and Publishing industries, but I have also represented unrelated products and services as well.

    Web Sites: