Shiraz Mirza  |   Home Based Business

    How can my product help you?

    Most people that come into the world of internet marketing come in rather wet behind the ears, trying to fit pieces of the online marketing jig saw puzzle together, without actually seeing the picture on the jig saw box. My product is an online marketing education that can, and does, teach people from all walks of life and educational backgrounds the foundations to being a professional interne marketer that can sell anything to anybody, anywhere in the world. It shows people the entire picture. Not only does this help people from a financial point of view, it also helps people on their journey of self development and leadership.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online due to the leverage the internet can provide in terms of a wider audience. My aim is to help 100 people live life on their terms and not have life dictate their circumstances. I want to be able to help 100 people have their own financial and time freedom, so that they can hopefully help others do the same.

    What I do online

    Introduce people to the option they have of being their own boss, and change their mind set from that of an employee to a self employed entrepreneur.

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