LeRoy Lennander  |   Affiliate Programs

    How can my product help you?

    My products help promote Ezine Marketing/Advertising and Article Marketing and help build lists of not only of subscribers but buyers.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online because there is not a better way to reach people and to start a business. If one was to start a brick and mortar business, one could easily spend 1000's of dollars each month just to rent or own property from which to work. If one is careful it is possible to start an online business for less than the cost of a store front for one month. You have to remember there are no free lunches. Someone has to pay for it! I hope to build relationships with a large number of people that will provide a reasonable (hopefully an unreasonable) income.

    What I do online

    I provide Affiliate and Marketing programs to help people to make better decisions and make more money online. Free information as well as programs to help others with their marketing efforts.

    Web Sites: