Dennis Morstad  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    There are OVER 200 Million Home Based Business Operators in the world and sooner or later they ALL WILL need STIFORP. You can promote ANY business with the StiforP tools, featuring: * Interactive Flash Movie Presentations * Conferencing * Video Spokesperson on Your Site * Traffic Rotator * Lead Capture Pages * Contact Manager * Autoresponders * Banner Ads You will also receive: Sales Emails Print ad ideas if you want to build in your local market Follow up scripts to explode your closing ratio Lead source recommendations MUCH MUCH MORE! With STIFORP, our members get full access to ALL of these tools 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for just $9.95 per month...not to mention a way to get it all for FREE AND add thousands of dollars a month in residual income on TOP of that, with our HUGE compensation plan

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online because I love it...and it is portable. What I want to accomplish is to generate significant long term residual income, and I am well on the way to accomplishing this. Also, I want to be able to help people who are limited and struggling to make money through Internet Marketing from home.

    What I do online

    Welcome all. After a career in the computer software field, I now enjoy online marketing of health-related niche products & automated marketing tools.

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