Richard Billings  |   Business Opportunities

    How can my product help you?

    If you join me you will get a complete back office system with a step by step video guide to get you up and running, it is extremely easy to follow and once completed you are ready to start your marketing. Within the back office there are video tutorials of all the different marketing strategies, we will discus these and determain the best ones for you to use depending on your likes dislikes etc. There is a live Q & A coffee call 4 days a week and live training webinars twice weekly. There is also a community site available for members only, where are able to open discussions on any subject you like and you will get support from the other members. This truly is a remarkable system and will benefit and greatly enhance your chances of succeeding online whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned veteran and whether you have your own products or don't have any products.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I first started working as an Internet Marketer because I was looking for more of a work life balance, where I could work from anywhere in the world. One of the good things about this business is that as long as I have my laptop and an Internet connection I can do just that. After discovering what I could achieve as an Internet Marketer I decided to show others how to do the same, and became a mentor. I now show a group of like minded people how to do what I did and be successful online. Being able to help people reach the financial freedom we all desire is extremley satisfying and is my main focus.

    What I do online

    I am an Internet Marketer. I build relationships with like minded people.

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