James McCabe  |   Business Opportunities

    How can my product help you?

    First, DOE is a tremendous resource in learning how to effectively use E-Zine marketing and article marketing to grow your business. I find the DOE to be a great time saver in finding the best e-zines to advertise with as well as top notch tips and tricks to help make my marketing dollars go farther and see better results. If you are looking for a system to plug into that will maximize your profits and stretch your advertising dollars or you are looking for a quality Direct Response Marketing program to work with, check out my links below. I am always available to answer any questions. Just send a message through my Contact Me form on my blog at JMcAssociatesllc.com.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I chose online marketing as way to create time freedom. So much time is taken by others' schedules that we find vary few moments to relax and enjoy life. My quest was to find a way to make an income that would supplant my current professional income and allow me the "time-freedom" to work when I wanted, how I wanted, and where I wanted.

    What I do online

    I am an online marketer of a select few of worthwhile big ticket items. My focus is on maximum profit with the smallest volume of traffic. I use a system that creates both front end and back end offers.

    Web Sites: