James W Brown  |   Writing / Publishing

    How can my product help you?

    I'm able to write anything. I am not to supposed to let you in on this secret...but here it goes. A great copywriter can write anything. Sure I went into the autoresponder niche...they say that coming up with a niche is the way to go. However, potential clients always ask the same thing. "Hey, you can write autoresponders, that's great but I need a white paper, sales letter, brochure, etc...can you do that? The answer is yes, I can. So if you need affordable, fast and reliable copy, let's talk.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online because I never fit into the corporate world. I did gain experience from working at Four Seasons/Sheraton, however being a manager just wasn't me. I love to write and have done so in various ways for over forty years. I came to copywriting late in life...after I started helping friends with their websites and marketing materials. I enjoy researching and re-writing marketing materials that clients are frustrated with. Creating a marketing piece from scratch is also a lot of fun.

    What I do online

    I'm a freelance copywriter, specializing in autoresponders. I've taken 3 AWAI courses, which important for anyone who may be searching for a copywriter. I started in 2006 with the basic AWAI course on copywriting and followed it up with an autoresponder and white paper course. Now if you have never heard of AWAI...they have the top copywriters in the world, as teachers. I also blog. I'm very passionate about internet marketing and martial arts. It's been a lot of fun, learning how to build my own blogs and use my writing skills to populate the blogs. Affiliate commissions are a bonus. I'm in the process of creating my own information products and will be selling them from niche sites that I create. Everything I do for myself in business, helps out my customers as my knowledge base grows.

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