Faiez Kirsten  |   Health / Healthcare / Fitness

    How can my product help you?

    If you are an individual or organization who is struggling with health, wellness and performance issues then the institute for the Enhancement of Health, Wellness and Performance can help You. We will show you how to Prevent, Reverse and Eliminate illness and disease and enhance your health, wellness and performance in the most meaningful of ways viz. by neutralizing and eliminating those subconscious programs or paradigms that are causing suboptimal health, wellness and performance and then reprogramming the subconscious with new programs which enable the achievement of optimal health, wellness and performance. It is only by addressing health, wellness and performance issues at their subconscious roots that meaningful change can be brought about. Addressing these issues at a superficial level brings only temporary change at best or usually no change or at all.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I work online in order to reach a global audience and to enable my business and operations to be as efficient and cost-effective as possible. In this way I can also minimize the cost to my members. My mission is to contribute in a meaningful way to solving the current crisis in health care that the world is facing today. This global crisis in health care has multiple causes but at the root of it all are the subconscious paradigms held by everyone involved in this crises, including health care leaders, suppliers of health care products and services and the very people who experience the most misery and suffering as a result of this crisis viz. the patients themselves.

    What I do online

    I am a medical doctor with a background in business. My interest is in assisting both individuals and organizations to enhance their health, wellness and performance by addressing these issues at their very roots. I have a personal website (www.faiezkirsten.com) where my articles can be read and free products downloaded. I also run an institute, the Institute for the Enhancement of Health, Wellness and Performance (www.iehwp.com) which offers a unique multistage program to its members for achieving optimal health, wellness and performance. The program uses cutting edge technologies and practices based on the most advanced research in brain science and positive psychology to reprogram the subconscious to achieve the goals of optimal health, wellness and performance.

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