Ruth Maloney  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    The products which I advertise have a common underlying thread; they lead to long-term, residual income. For people who are busy and/or have many different interests, this type product is ideal! You can make money almost on auto-pilot once everything is set up and running properly. What could be better? Time to pursue other interests, take care of a family, travel and so forth, while still enjoying a decent income. They are easy to use and do not require extensive computer knowledge. As you look at these I hope you can see the possibilities too.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    There are two main reasons I work online. The first is to increase my income significantly. Since "happily" retiring from my profession, my income has dropped which I do NOT like. I would like to be able to help my brilliant granddaughter get through the college of her choice. In addition I have a deep desire to help others and to contribute to several charitable causes. The second main reason for working online initially was to keep my mind sharp and to learn something new. Boy have I ever! Every profession, including Internet Marketing has its own language and protocols. I have had to absorb a lot of information in a field totally unrelated to my degrees and licensure. A third reason evolved recently when my Mother became terminally ill. Her bedroom is next door to my "computer room" and I can hear if she needs help without being obvious. Ultimately my goal is to become financially independent and have the freedom to do the things I want for others.

    What I do online

    A lot of my time online involves affiliate marketing, and reading solo ads for credits. (Many are very creative and even funny). I place ads of all types, marketing several products that I happen to believe in. I also respond to, and welcome, people who have signed up for products I advertise (my downlines). True Confession: I like to play Spider Solitaire. While I have tried many different products and ways to make money online, I think I have finally hit on something that will work; Directory of EZines. I am very excited about it and believe this program will help me achieve my goals.

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