Kurt Turrell  |   

    How can my product help you?

    Although I promote other products that enrich people's lives, I have written 2 excellent e-books (rated by those who have read them): "Lifetime Success in 6 Simple Steps" represents 20 years of studying the success and motivational "gurus", taking the very best of that knowledge and assembling it into a 6 Step system that makes perfect sense and guarantees a successful outcome. This book will inspire you to exceed all of your goals in life. "GENIUS NOW: The Mastermind Blueprint" came to me like an 'epiphany'; almost like a waking dream; it unfolded so easily and naturally that I am still surprised at the quality! "GENIUS NOW" is an acronym that builds a mastermind blueprint for creating genius-level events within any business or organization, resulting in "Uber Success" for that business or group! This is brand new and completely unique. This is not "networking" for success, this is "Exact Networks" (structural chart included in book).

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    Integrity is King! I have dedicated myself to innovative websites, product excellence, and real integrity. Above all, I will share only honest, useful information. Today’s Internet is filled with slick con artists, genius hackers, all sorts of schemes, identity theft and identity fraud, and outright rip-off products and services. It seems at times to be a cesspool; like a shark tank at feeding time, a real frenzied, unforgiving, and voraciously cold world. I truly don’t know how such people can sleep at night! I will write and provide only quality e-books; I will endorse only legitimate, quality products and services; I will build a solid reputation in honest practices; I will demonstrate integrity in all matters. It is my sincere hope that you will find something of interest in the pages of my website. Please take a moment and sign up for my email list and periodic newsletter. Here’s to lifetime abundance, health, and prosperity for you & yours!

    What I do online

    Who Is Kurt Turrell? Family man, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Author, Consultant. I am angry at today’s Internet! In fact I am disenchanted with the business world in general. It has become a cesspool of greed, self-interest, misinformation, and dishonesty. I fight against those realities with just the opposite: sharing, accurate information, honesty, and integrity. Further, I am a genuinely caring man that wishes abundance for everyone. Perhaps the things that I most enjoy are ideas, and developing those ideas into something of value. In this age of information, there has never been a more fertile time to grow ideas into abundance that can be shared; the worldwide web – in spite of its pitfalls and wildness – is an excellent venue for the sharing of information for the enrichment of all. In a nutshell, it is my intention to build an online presence that enriches people's lives & wallets. I have never believed that money is everything... ABUNDANCE in all areas of life means.

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