Kalem Aquil  |   Internet Marketing

    How can my product help you?

    If your business is located in southern California, I can provide effective website marketing for your business that will help your business to get found online by the people that are looking for you. If you’re not located in southern California, I offer you a “look-over-my-shoulder” view of how I’m growing my online skills and how I use them to help local businesses get found online by people looking for them. On my website, www.LongBeachWebsiteMarketing.com, I share the tools, resources and content that helps me ‘tame’ the internet. I gladly share my resources with others that are looking to establish an effective and profitable web presence. And, of course, on my photography website www.MarketPhotography.com, I share my passion for photography with others inflicted with the same photography passion.

    Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

    I now help businesses get found online by people that are looking for them. I offer businesses ways for them to establish a successful web presence. Business owners have access to my online business directory which offers them opportunities to list their businesses, offers, sales, coupons and business contact info. For many businesses, being on an online directory is their first experience having their business online. For other businesses, I offer them an ‘informed’ web presence. (I’ve found that many business owners have been ‘burned’ by web designers and website ‘wizards.’ I must always explain that building a website isn’t the same thing as marketing a website. They appreciate learning the difference. I enjoy helping businesses establish a significant web presence. I also provide them more sophisticated website marketing services, especially video marketing. Currently, video is my most powerful and profitable business marketing method.

    What I do online

    Among other things, I’m a photographer with a passion for photography. Naturally, I wanted a website. So, I chose a web hosting company that helped me to build a photography website that has been ranked #1 on Google for the last 3 years. In addition to the successful website, I found that I had also developed good online skills and the ‘know-how’ to successfully get websites ranked high in the search engines. Businesses that I had been doing photography work for asked me to help them market their business websites for higher search engine rankings. They wanted more customers coming into their businesses. They knew that being highly ranked in the search engines gets their websites more visitors that can become customers. What they didn’t know was how to get their websites highly ranked. So, I became a website marketing consultant for local businesses. I’m still a photographer.

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