Suzi Morris  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

It doesn't matter which area of life you are struggling to find SUCCESS in. It is true what they say "success is an inside job". It all starts in your mind. What you believe, the paradigms that exist in your subconscious mind, will determine your actions and control your results. Working on your own personal growth and development will help you to achieve SUCCESS in every area of life. But particularly if you are an entrepeneur. If you are a business builder you need to be continually learning and growing and expanding your capacity. If you don't , it will limit the results you get. You will fall far short of your potential. I don't know you at all, but there is one thing of which I am certain: YOU ARE CAPABLE OF SO MUCH MORE. And deep inside yourself, you know also that this is true. I love my business opportunity, because I can be a "product of the product"- increasing my capacity to produce better results. It's a win/win. Check it out. Here's to YOUR success.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

My life is multi-dimensional - there is so much more to life than having a job and earning money. I love the flexibility of working for myself and being able to choose my own work hours. It allows me to pursue my health and fitness interests (cycling, running, triathlons), spend precious time with my two boys, continue to work on my own personal development, and contribute in concrete ways to the health, wellness and success of others.

What I do online

I have a blog which is a bit eclectic – there is a link to my blog and links to my other interests below. I think it is really all about SUCCESS, isn't it? We all want to be successful in life. Things like * our health and wellness * our own personal growth and development * our positive impact on the world around us * having financial freedom and time freedom to be able to make genuine choices are all important to us. While success will actually look different for each one of us, I believe that SUCCESS is a CHOICE (I have written a blog about that!). I don't believe it is a matter of luck. While "The Secret" had some good ideas, it is not a matter of fixing your mind on what you want and sitting back and waiting for it to happen! My aim is to encourage and inspire you to be the best that you can be and put tools in your hand to ensure your SUCCESS.

Web Sites:

   Tracy Tobler  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

My services and products will help you create more cashflow in your business, get out of overwhelm, stop the feast or famine syndrome while you increase your time off and help more people. Visit for more information and to claim your FREE report "5 Reasons Why Sales Isn't Selling Your Soul & Why You Need To Market Now More Than Ever!"

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I work online so I can reach more people and create a community of like-minded professionals. Plus, I love the internet, it is so fascinating how we can instantly access so much information. My aim is to help end poverty throughout the world through entrepreneurship and wealth consciousness education.

What I do online

I am a holistic cashflow strategist, author, speaker and founder of Authentic Business Breakthrough, a company devoted to empowering socially conscious entrepreneurs around the world to get more clients and grow their businesses. When they work with me they discover that marketing and sales can be done in a way that is aligned with their core values allowing them to make more money and do more good in the world.

Web Sites:

   Amy Sherman  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

I have two products. My ebook, "Distress-Free Aging: A Boomer's Guide to Creating a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life", looks at the limitations, fears, and self-defeating thoughts that keep boomers from reaching their dreams and offers 10 strategies to turn their life around. It offers insightful exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information discussed, so that boomers can start practicing these new behaviors. The other product is "The Joy of Optimism" 10 lesson eCourse. This program covers 10 areas that the most successful, optimistic people live by and shows you how you, too, can be living your best life. Both products are life altering, in that they offer simple strategies that are easy to implement, yet bring the kinds of results you are looking for.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I want to give boomers as much information as I can so that they would have the tools to cope with the many challenges they face. It is not easy being sandwiched between aging parents and young adult children. My site is supportive and encouraging and filled with the kinds of information that would make a difference in their lives.

What I do online

I am a licensed therapist specializing in the challenges baby boomers face as they transition through life. My website offers valuable information, insightful tips and inspiring strategies to help boomers deal with aging parents, the empty nest syndrome, career/health changes, financial setbacks, and their own disillusionment and disappointments.

Web Sites:

   Truls Foshaug  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

It can help improve your self-determination and drive, to do what you like to do. It lifts your desire to live and help others do the same, and this in turn will improve the life of a lot of people. You can earn a high income if you like. The sky is the limit. To achieve your dreams can become a reality.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I'm working online because this gives me the opportunity to reach a lot of people all over the world with a limited amount of time spent to do that, and it gives me flexible hours where I can work when I like. With this business I can reach my goals and enable other people to reach their goals as well. It is a fact of life that one lives to help others. When one stops doing that one is on the way downhill.

What I do online

I'm marketing an affiliate business which consist of a very powerful self-improvement program. It is a home-based business based on the secret and the law of attraction and it is booming.

Web Sites:

   Patricia Crane  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

If there is any area of your life you want to improve, whether prosperity, health, career, or relationships, my weekly tips, articles, books, and CDs will help you grow. If you are looking to develop a career helping others transform their lives, the workshop leader training program (either in-person or the home study materials) gives you that opportunity. Patricia trained personally with best-selling uathor Louise Hay (You Can Heal Your Life and other books and CDs) and was personally chosen by Louise to lead her Love Yourself, Heal Your Life workshop. That workshop evolved into a worldwide training program that has trained over 2,000 workshop leaders. If you have a strong desire to help others heal, this training is for you.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

Working online allows me the opporunity to connect with like-minded peole worldwide. My life-long desire, to help people heal and live their best life, can reach the most people online. It is very rewarding to receive emails from people saying that my articles, tips, or products have helped them grow emotionally and spiritually, plus solve their challenges with finances, relationships, career, or health. My partner and I will continue to lead in-person workshops because the energy of the group coming together is so important. But we will also offer more and more services online to help those who can't attend our seminars and workshops.

What I do online

I offer personal growth tips, articles, and products. All of my work is a result of personal experience applying self-help techniques to create the life of my dreams. Besides an exciting career (on and off-line) I have a wonderful partner (Rick), live on a 7 acre ranch in north San Diego county, and travel internationally training others to lead workshops. I am passionate about helping others to create the life they want! Much of my work focuses on using meditation, affirmations, and visualizations to create what you want. I've written a book entitled Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen: The Essential Guide to Powerful, Nourishing Affirmations which details how to use these techniques to change your life. My partner and I have several websites that showcase different products and programs. We also lead personal growth workshops in person. This year we will be Ireland and England (as well as the US, where we live).

Web Sites:

   Michael Jackson  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

My book can provide a real-world approach to an age old problem.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I enjoy sharing and hopefully helping others with my stories and insights.

What I do online

I do several things online. The most important one is that I sell a book titled 'The Interview - How to Become a Life Partner' I also share stories about what it is like to be an American living and working in Japan for the past six years (Henna Gaijin).

Web Sites:

   Cecil McIntosh  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

My product and services provides the essential steps you must take to make every factor that causes us stress into a catalyst for immense success! The perfect strategy for turning around your life immediately and creating success on demand. My system teaches you how to do all of this over and over automatically.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I work online because it affords me the financial freedom and the time to do whatever I desire and because I am having lots of fun in the process.

What I do online

I teach people How to tap into the immense Energy of Stress and to use it to your Huge Benefit!

Web Sites:

   Roger Brown  |   Personal Growth

How can my product help you?

My product Success University will allow you to increase your Education and learn at your own pace. The success University's curriculum will show you how to unlock all your God given potentials and attain all the rewards you deserve in your life. Success is not something you reach out for; it is something you draw out from with in. To unlock your potentials and attain all the rewards you deserve in your life. Success University is inspired to help raise the level of human Potential around the globe. We hope you'll allow us to help bring out the untapped potential that lie with in you right now.

Why I work online and what I want to accomplish

I work on line to create financial freedom I had to quit the corporate world because of health reasons there for have a limited and fixed income working online will allow me to enjoy many things I would not be able to have If I only relied on a Government pension which is very small.By simply sharing this first of a kind referral program with others, you have the ability to earn large up front weekly checks as well as long term residual income that can pay you month after month, year after year. This is a global opportunity to not only share this education with the world, but to also earn a life-changing income.

What I do online

I promote Success university. the key to success is the power of knowledge. I also promote Global Domains which is ranked #37 as one of the fastest and best Company in the United States top 500 Companies. This is a very affordable opportunity and pays through five levels A $20 billion per year industry, and a growing global industry this is the decades best financial Opportunity.You can have everything you want in life just help enough people get what they want.

Web Sites: